About the Farmers
Elizabeth & Paul Kaiser
Elizabeth & Paul Kaiser developed our system of intensive, no-till, agroecological farming which has been adopted throughout many regions of the world. At Singing Frogs Farm, they along with their awesome crew of farmers have implemented these practices for 15 years continuously, year-round.
This regenerative approach to soil health and their keen sense of the ecological balance of their farm has resulted in a 4-500% increase in their soil carbon, an even greater increase in their soil’s biology and nutrient exchange with their vegetable crops, and a quadrupling of the birds, pollinators, and beneficial insects that call their farm home. A key to this farming is being intensive, and intensive production means that Singing Frogs Farm is grossing over $160,000 per acre in vegetables, flowers and fruits. Without machinery, the abundant and nutrient dense harvests power a regenerative farming system that invests in its people, ecology and soil.
The Singing Frogs Farm Crew
Singing Frogs Farm is nothing without our Awesome Farm Crew.
These are the people who grow your food! The Farm Crew manages the day-to-day workings of the farm from seeding, planting, harvesting, soil management, farmers market booths, CSA pack, delivery, and keeping us all going with positivity and fun! Each crew member brings a multitude of experiences to our fertile ground where we are all constantly learning and improving our regenerative system.
One of our biggest joys is knowing that many who eventually leave our farm do so to start their own regenerative, intensive, no-till market farms from as near as Sonoma County to as far as Australia and Japan.
As we farm year-round, we have no seasonal positions. In-fact, offering year-round work and keeping awesome crew members is a large part of what helped Singing Frogs transition to permanent, intensive, no-till management over 15 years ago. Our crew naturally fluctuates from about 4 full time equivalents in January to 7 or 8 in late summer. If you’re interested in joining us, view our job opportunities and reach out.
Singing Frogs Farm Crew, January 2023
We love and appreciate all of our awesome Farm Crew Members from throughout the years…